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tv   KRON 4 Evening News  KRON  November 29, 2012 5:00pm-7:00pm PST

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>> this was concern from a video. >> the drivers on the golden gatethe bay area bracing for the storm. rain.. expected to move-in and create havoc for the evening commute. to know about. plus, crews still cleaning up the mess from yesterday's storm.. as residents get ready for what's next. the newest storm slamming >> this was quite a shock crews scrambling to
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>> the rain means trees fall down and take out power >> landslides a threat in the saturated east bay >> >> the storm with live team coverage. scott rates at the golden gate bridge. justine waldman is in the north bay. a live look out at the a new storm... now moving into the bay area... along with high winds. you are looking at city crews hoisting the 25 foot acacia tree here in this video. it toppled over at around 4 am .falling on to this house on the 300 block of virginia avenue.the worst damage was that the backyard fence was knocked down..only caution tape and a few splintered boards remain..luckily the resident inside the home was not hurt. the city says they soil was saturated by the rain and the nearly 50 year old tree couldn't hold up any more. the homeowner says she called the 311 to complain about the city maintained tree on more than one occasionbut nothing was done. >> i knew it wasn't dying or near death and i thought that this city could come
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out and take care of their tree. what ever it was going to do. i knew that it was -- going to die. unfortunately, it came down on a a structure. >> the department of public works are now chopping up what fell down.they admit that the homeowner did everything right and should have been out here sooner. they say they are changing their producal on how to respond to future callsbut it's been tough after years department. >> we have three inspectors, with the six different crews maintaining is a we need to prioritize the trees that most of hon. get taken care of first. if it did not get done this time will make sure it's that it does get done, sued. bite. >> they expect more tree limbs and possibly even more trees to fall as the storm progresses over the next few days. maureen kelly kron4 news >> let me check-in with just seeing the she is in the mill valley. justine? >> this just started to rain
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but the rain is not what they are most worried about. the gray skies over san rafael, showing the story. putting these in place in just in case, and even some and a couplewith a couple dozen stretegically placed sandbags and a few hours on the business end of a rake, >> it was a little bit of bad timing but we are confident that with any luck it will not >> marin county public works also put out all of these the storm drains and are ready to employee. but they are not what is what they're concerned about. >> and a high wind and of course the crowd is already so saturated that it could blow trees over. it could take power trees power lines
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down with it. >> what drivers could expect was flooding on friday. >> just seen, it has been a busy and in san pablo 0. you can deceive these sand to fill up in santa back and take them up this hell. they are putting these to protect these homesteader directly behind to be. it has been known for an of instability. and also, often the distance you can see the sand bags that have been placed on that hill. also in a plastic tarp. they got a round halfway done, but residents are still concerned. let me see if you tennessee all of the huge holes in this tar
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from the old tarp in the distance. there were only able to be able to complete proportions of this product. however, dozens of strategically placed sandbags and a few hours business end of a break april taylor took advantage of a lull in the wet weather to make sure a small drainage problem near her home along soquel creek doesn't become a large one in the days ahead. >> april taylor/mountain resident: >> i cleaned this out because if it will and not cleared out it will flood my home which is right here. i wanted to make it through the culvert and take down the fence. >> mild weather had many
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trees holding onto their leaves until wednesday's high winds arrived. now they are everywhere and finding their way into and clogging storm drains which can cause slides and washed-out roads. >> the sound of chainsaws could be heard across the region as crews are scrambling to keep up for the downed trees. there are expecting a lot of work. >> ed webster/davey tree service: >> the trees take downed power lines with the emergency work to clear it up. >> beginning about noon on thursday, a light drizzle slowed traffic here on highways one and 17. old san jose road is lined with standing water, a sure sign the ground is saturated. soquel and other creeks and stream are on the rise. april taylor will be keeping close watch on them in the days ahead. >> april taylor: >> and of course i will place the sandbags by my back door. because if can be devastating.
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>> in the santa cruz mtns rob fladeboe kron 4 news >> back out here live these plastic drainage pipes will halt alleviate some of bathwater that it's this water. i spoke with some neighbors it-some of that -- rainwater. that rainfall with confirmed neighbors. reporting live in san pablo, j. r. stone, kron 4 news. we have more live coverage of the storm tongiht. terisa estacio is in hercules, where the wet weather has caused a problem in the past. and alecia reid is in daly city, where neighbors are worried about the rain, and a recent mudslide. that's ahead 5-30. >> viewers are taking pictures of these storms...and sharing them with us. here's one...we're looking for more...we'll show you some more...coming up.
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>>pam: stay with kron-4 as we continue to track the storm. with updates also available on, along with our facebook and twitter pages. other news, in the wake of a violent holiday weekend in the city of oakland leaders are looking for new ways to get more officers on the street as soon as possible to try to get a handle on this situation. haazig madyun 3 of the top officials that are working on a another crime plan. >> "i have to take action now" >> "oakland cannot wait" >> i certainly hope that they understand the sense of urgency" >> for these oakland city leaders the urgent matter is reducing violent crimethat is why police chief howard jordan is here at oakland city hall in support of a new crime surpression proposal >> "my goal is to make sure the people in oakland can be free and safe from this horrible crime epidemic that we have been facing over the past 6 months" >> the crime supression proposal is spear headed by oakland city council president larry reid and
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councilmember libby schaaf >> "these proposals are about into our police department to fight crime and that is help from the alameda county sheriff's office, starting another police academy as soon as possible and bringing 21 civilian positions to support our officers in the field" >> the money needed to fund the crime fighting effort would come from the city's $34 million dollar surplusthat is if the city council approves the idea >> we certainly hope that our colleagues will buy into it we have the support of the police chief, we have the support of the city administrator. and we have 170 homicides, unfortunately. and we need to get as many officers as we can live already had won the 17we ever really had 117 homicides to"out on the street" .
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>> the full city council will get their chance to look over the reid schaaf crime surpression proposal in januaryin oakland haaziq madyun kron4news >> the fate of same-sex marriage in california -- could be decided soon. the supreme court just hours away from deciding on whether or not to get involved. tonight kron-4 is exploring the possible outcomes -- at 5-30. >>catherine: but first, it's a power-lunch at the white house. president obama - meeting with his former rival mitt romney. >> and --- 49-ers quarterback alex smith -- talking for the first time about being benched. you don't want to miss what smith had to say about colin kaepernick taking his job because of an injury. the news continues next. ♪
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secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it.
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>> meeting with his former rival mitt romney.
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mitt romney had lunch today with the man who defeated him in the presidential race. it was a private meeting - but the white house released this photo. very few details were released - but we're told that the president and romney talked about america's leadership. one interesting moment happened as romney was arriving -- and a man ran up to his car window and began yelling. he was hustled away and arrested. a white house statement says romney and the president promised to stay in touch, particularly if opportunities to work together come up in the future.. we can guess the 'fiscal cliff' might have also come up in that conversation.. today on capital hill - republicans and democrats are still blaming each other for the fact the problem hasn't been fixed.. they're talking -- but that doesn't mean they're moving any closer to an agreement... treasury secretary tim geithner - arriving for a meeting today with house speaker john boehner... the idea - they'd come up with some common ground for avoiding the fiscal cliff. the reality - according to boehner about an hour later... nothing is fixed. nothing much is happening.. >> they know where we stand. it republicans are accusing the democrats of edge of that cliff by refusing to outline possible spending cuts.. democrats say they're still waiting for a serious offer from the
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republicans. publicly at least - the leaders from both parties were not giving an inch. but beneath the choreographed show of frustration - signs continue to accumulate that a deal could still come...before hundreds of billions of dollars in automatic tax increases and spending cuts take effect. this week - a few republican lawmakers suggested they might be never raise taxes. and some conservative that the house quickly pass democratic legislation extending the expiring tax cuts for incomes below $250,000. >> michael yaki is is here. >> and there were talking turkey, it -- about what they were talking about it was a don't call me, don't call you type of situation. >> a test to look like it lasted a long but the white house has reached an agreement. >> they have met with the
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senate and leadership with 146 trillitrillion one. -6 triln dollars in tax increases and also reductions for spending. the mortgage interest reduction is not on the table and 400 billion on on determined to cuts it is a framework for discussion. the president keeps on light of that there is a senate bill in the house that will stop the increases for people earning less than $250,000. >>catherine: what is your best guess on what is the final step to break through? >> there are still yelling, talking it will be difficult. on the other hand, i think there's there is a play that perhaps president obama is not playing it. such that previous presidents have done. >> joe biden, can you see
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that he is shopping and costco and eating samples enshrined on wristwatches and he said the we're going to do with. >> i hope so. >> thank you, michael. if you like to connect with michael yaki. his panel iand he is-on twitter. >>jacqueline: with heavy portions of rainfall and the north bay. that is worth it is been for most of the day and a lighter rain fall south of the golden gate. you can see the yellow on your screen that is indicating rainfall rates at one-tenth of 1 in. or more. it is just a little bit more than that with near sinophile, it is picking up at the same about one-tenth of 1 in.. san tetrault tel. and towards san francisco, san rafael -- a light drizzle to light, more steady rainfall. as we take a look at futurecast heavy
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rainfall for the evening and overnight. by 7:00 p.m., most of the overnight our could see heavy rainfall. here comes that cold front, finally pressing through for the evening commute. the orange is going to start racing down to the south by eight. the remote to compensate francisco, oakland, san mateo coastline, 10:00, hayward, fremont, the santa cruz mountains. and as a look at the moderate range showers until 1:00 p.m. we could see most of that rainfall pressed to the east from the south but still residual showers to the north. that will continue by 5:00 p.m., 10:00 p.m. but conditions will be much more easier to deal with by 10:00 p.m.-the morning. this is a very slow-moving system it is basically parked or northern california. we are going to see more accumulation stand yesterday. by 8:00, more of
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one-half of 1 in. in santa rosa. most of the rainfall has been steady there, of date of 55-6:00, friday morning remember, it has been heavily concentrated to the north. to-chances in the santa rosa, and with-2 in. in santa rosa but after this appeared towards t lat morni hour, that is when he could start to place like san francisco, with one half inch. in hayward, and livermore, said jose. it will not be quite as heavy as quite at as the north bay with recorders of 1 in. in santa rosa by tomorrow evening three-quarters of 1 in. in santa rosa. however, the south bay. the mountains, nearly 6 in. of rain fall! with a flash flood watch for the north bay, the san mateo coast line for the weekend. the series of rainfall and also we wind advisory in effect
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for 60 m.p.h. gusting, potentially. snowfall of the highest elevations, 8-16 at 7,000 ft.. 2-4 in. at 6,000 ft. and a rain/snowfall mixture on sunday. a lot of more rain and weather to talk about with a little bit of a break before saturday with a round of heavy rainfall on the sunday morning >> traffic is medium/heavy at these speeds with no major problems. the james lick is decent. however, heavy at nearly at a standstill and the top is going towards the lower deck of the bay bridge.
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with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters. >> welcome back. this is in san francisco, the viewers are sending in their
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pictures. dark, ominous clouds this situation is the same in the east bay this san paolo mudslide has forced people to put down tarps. and they are trying to minimize the damage what is supposed to be several inches of rainfall over portions of the bay area. send them at facebook, e- mailed breaking news@kron 4 .com. look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud.
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we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible. reliability and ways to connect. oh, it's great! now i can brew my coffee just the way i love it. how do you do that? well, inside the brewer, there's this train that's powerful enough to carry more coffee and fresh water to make coffee that's stronger and bigger... and even hotter! actually, i just press this button. brew the coffee you love -- stronger, bigger, or hotter -- with the keurig vue.
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(male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. >> we could know sometime tomorrow or the united states supreme court will agree to review
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the fate of same-sex marriage in california could soon be decided. the high court set to make a decision on whether or not to take the case. kron 4 is exploring the possible outcomes... dan kerman has been following this. >> as you said pam, tomorrow, the u.s. supreme court will review a number of cases including prop 8, >> marriage can began once again the ninth circuit court issues a mandate which means that the ruling made by the district court becomes final the ninth circuit court is expected to issue that mandate quickly within one week possibly. if the supreme court agrees to review the case creeks will be presented in with the
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decision of likely by june 9th, next here. the loppers are professor senate there is the -- law professor- rory litle: >> it would be great if it would go forward in two weeks but the natural question should the constitution prohibit the banning of same-sex marriage? >> there is a lot of divergence, it is unity. the supreme court job is to grant the -- disunity. would be nice to be able to use that to settle these disputes. >> let us be clear, and so there is no impact on the national situation. >> it would be a legal in california but no impact nationally. pam and the speculation on what the court might do? >> is a real tossup weather
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there will take the case or not there are arguments on both sides for them to hear the case. or to not hear the case and there will be also looking at the defensive mayor checked. they will decide one or not the other. or they will hear on the defensive marriage act. >> thank you, dan. >> we did see some overcast conditions. and a light drizzle along the coast. with picking up on intensity outside the golden gate bridge. we can see the pavement is wet it has been falling let us get right to with the rainfall totals. the santa rosa, over one quarter of 1 in. of the same and mount st. helena. and all of these. one-quarter of 1 in. in just traces, elsewhere. onto the stormtracker 4 radar showers in the north bay and pressing towards the delta.
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let me show you through santa rosa, catching a little bit of a break from was rainfall is consistently know it is more towards heelsburg. now the east bay towards richmond, peda- pinole the east bridge and over san francisco it will continue overnight. in fact, it could even intensify. this will move in and when and where coming up in just a bit. >> we continue our team coverage on the stormy weather with terisa while terisa estacio is monitoring conditions in the. >> you can certainly see that it is cloudy and it is really coming down in the with the last couple of minutes. people and hercules are watching, waiting to find out what the storms will bring. after what happened to a hillside in
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hercules take a look at this video you could see for yourself when i'm talking about. they're wrapping for homes with eight-red-tagged. the collapse started in 2011. the home owners have left and the homeowners association bought them out. more damage could be done. the residents have taken action and this, why they feel bad about this. what has happened? >> yes i do feel sad for them and i am sure they put a lot of love into these houses and homes. we ended up with the association purchased them and bought them out. hopefully, they can be made whole. we hired some people to set up some monitoring system to track and see what is going on. if you walked up on the hill you would see them but they are behind the houses.
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however, it might tip of a soft of the magnitude of the issue. >> again as some nervous times. in hercules because of that hillside pressing down on those homes that have been a red tag. some are scheduled for demolition. and the officials have not been able to do that because it is a private homeowners association but the homeowner i spoke with it is hoping that the city will act quickly. so they can demolish the homes and go forward with no more damage. for no more homes. you can see the rain in hercules certainly that the second storm has hit in the east bay. east bay.. >> kron4's alecia reid is live tonight in daly city... where wet weather after a recent mudslide... is raising concerns. alecia? >>pam: it is pretty windy
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out here the rain is starting to come down, steadily the we are told that hilltop park behind me and the telmex to it have been weatherized and should be able to withstand. >> all of these items are helped to prevent, with the haihey-- >> and the company that was hired by the city are doing a good job i think they were able to stabilize the hillside. >> the contrasting company by daly city put a halt of the reconstruction to get 44 the downpour. right now trucks are at a standstill. to get -- ready for the downpour but the site has been prepped. every thing has been concord to push water away from the homes and into the park.
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>> it is a passageway. the water will be away from the house. >> this city has kept the history of this hill into consideration. one of the rain will stop it look right back into rehabilitation mode. in daly city, kron 4 news. >> stay with kron 4 as we continue to track the storm with updates available on kron 4 .com and or facebook ever step twitter. >> reality is setting in for forty-niners quarterback alex smith. he is speaking out. he has been benched, demoted, he is no longer the starting quarterback despite leaving them to a first- place record and alex smith is not happy. >> its talks-it- sucks.. the only thing i could do is my job in the neck and a
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concussion but i'm not resentful. he gets paid to make those decisions he is the r head coach but i will continue to get ready, and >> he could see that he was waiting of and watching from the sidelines but second- tier kaepernick will start again this sunday in st. louis. kaepernick will be the starter for the rest of the season which should include the playoff run. kaepernick was the starting quarterback with a gutsy decision fourth harbaugh. 6:45, sportster,. resnick will be sportster rector
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will be joining us secure resnick. sports director-. sports director, (car horn) paying with your smartphone instead of cash... (phone rings) that's a step forward. with chase quickpay, you can send money directly to anyone's checking account. i guess he's a kicker... again, again! oh, no you don't! take a step forward and chase what matters.
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>> modest gains on wall street today.. as investors closely monitor talks in washington over narrowing the government's budget deficit. stocks also rallied on a pair of good reports on jobs and the housing market looking at the numbers.. day up 37 points to close gained six- points. >> let us talk about how
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>> the trend so far it is aggressive with a good year it is helping already economy. purchases were up for the month of october, with a 5.2% and was only supposed to be a one-person climate. so people feel better and better they're putting it there homes of personal we were supposed to only see a-1% climbing up prices. and a substantial component to our building block of our economy. >> they do not seem to like macy's, donald trump is that having an impact on his product at macy's? >> i have never understood this in any way, shape, form. they look at this as a businessman. he made his money by inherited his a father's money. despite the wanted to dump truck with macy's the have not done it.
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and even the c f o came out of we listen to the customer. but they should take a look at the new research that came from yougov.. the approval pretty tea-35 it has plunged below to the worst retell author, which is j.c. penney. macy's is collapsing. maybe it has something to do with donald trump? maybe it does not but he got a little bit crazy about the obama birthright. it could be ultimately hurting macy's. >> let me try something a little bit different and this is a question that they wanted me to ask you. this is from the viewer. she has a lot of debt and now creditors are calling. who do i trust? is this legitimately looking to help me or somebody that is going to take the money? >> or even the creditor. that will write off the
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entire debt and it will not but the best part is to go and negotiate with the person you owe money sometimes, the will of faith 605 on the dollar. and if there is a lot of date, there is consumer credit counseling services of san francisco. the consumer credit counseling ccc s s f .org will help you withof it all. it is not something that you want to do. and i came out with 6000, and in 10,000, and it is pretty humbling it is a shameful situation to go with poor credit. consumer credit counseling services of san francisco .org they collectors could be also a regressive on the phone? cannot agree to make and give a payment.
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>> even the lawyers that advertise that we will settle your debt for pennies on the daughter but they cannot do that. sometimes their aggression will take the money that will work the case and find out that it is not solvable and they are out. there are rob, thank you penney's -- on the dollar- >>jacqueline: as we take a look of moderate rainfall is indicated by the yellow. let us see near vackerville and fairfield..vackaville traces and coredelia.. is coming down pretty decent. richmond, a little bit lighter, just traces. a lighted drizzle and a similar offer san francisco. and let us take a look at a larger portion of the
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satellite we can see this rainfall continuing to funnel. it is extending well offshore. it will continue to press and like this. the cool front pressing all the way back it is not going to move in until late this morning. let us take a look the futurecast as were going towards 7:00 p.m. at the heavy rainfall is still concentrated over the north bay you can see that by the adm hour, it is rolling to the north of and even rushing towards hayward, fremont, redwood city and back towards the south bay by new in it. 1:00 p.m., lingering. we will see
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residual showers and after that mean the end of rainfall pressing through ventilator evening hours. spotty showers possible much better conditions and what we saw in the morning by the rainfall totals will look like this. one-3 in. in the valley. and in the south become a perhaps less but the higher totals are going to be favored in the north bay. it could stay longer, 3-6 in.. and the flash flood watches in effect for the san mateo coastline. for the series of storms and high wind advisory for much of the bay area. 60 m.p.h.! for the sierras, no snowfall now what they're o some little bit of rain fall. through lake tahoe, winter weather advisories and warnings. warnings-and we are going to see snowfall at the higher elevations tomorrow. nearly 6 in. and even the saturday
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just a couple of inches with 7,500 ft. with the rain/snowfall mixture on sunday. they look at your extended forecast with rainfall saturday, sunday and finally a break as we go towards early next week but a chance of a lingering showers on tuesday, wednesday. and now a check on your snowbomb.. sierra, lake tahoe, 7 in. of fresh power. and even other areas, kirkwood, a dentist of fresh powder. more resorts are open. coats to a world website we use what's actress lindsay --- that it wasn't exactly that's coming up.
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>>catherine: actress
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lindsay lohan is in trouble with the law -- again. in recent years, she's faced d-u-i charges and been accused of stealing a necklace. this morning -- she was leaving a new york police station with a coat over her head.. >> there is no family dynamic it is dysfunctional there are so many things that need to be approved. with most children need both parents for their corn to act out the wrong way. >> offset of hitting a woman at a fight at a nightclub.. these new charges could mean a probation violation and the 26-year-old... she'll be back in court her father she got help for her problems.. accused of stealing a on kron-4. the insider starts at 7, followed by entertainment tonight at 7:30. there will be much more on lohan.. .
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[ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ]
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>> george h. w. bush is hospitalized. his health >> george h. w. bush is hospitalized. hishey, look! a shooting star!
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(male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. flash floods, high winds and dangerous surf. the national weather service is warning the bay area to watch out for all three. a new storm is slamming the bay area ... with an expected 10 inches of rain ... 70 miles per hour wind gusts ... and ocean swells cresting up to 16 feet high. here's a look at our camera from the golden gate bridge.... you can see the wet weather looming as storm in. i'm here with jacqueline at the weather center... jacqueline... what's in store for us tonight. >>jacqueline: a lot of what weather and nasty conditions it is not quite that bad right now but as for take a
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look of the stormtracker 4. portions of the heavier downpour is indicated on the rader and near vacerville however, as we go towards the golden gate and the richmond the san rafael bridge. we can see the rainfall is a little bit lighter just eight light drizzle and lundy of embarcadero. and the bay bridge along the- embarcadero. and to near the peninsula. taking a look at the satellite and radar is missing us to the north with a heavy rainfall to the north. towards northern california. the tail end of this system as this is pressing well offshore. to the sub-tropical moisture. this is the cold front right here that will not be moving until overnight. the futurecast with heavy rainfall over the north bay. it will mainly be
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concentrated in to the 11:00 hour. overnight, that cold front. fast indicated with heavy rainfall and it will become racing through the morning commute. and moving south of the golden gate we will time it out of futurecast. the rainfall totals pretty impressive with a flood watch in effect. and wind advisory is coming up. >> we're live all around the kron 4's justine bay... while j-r stone is in san pablo. and scott rates is in sam francisco. lets head out to justine... in mill valley. are you getting soaked yet? >> not yet but we are getting hit with gusts of wind. it has slowed down a little bit but let me show you video earlier from millbrae. mill valley -- mill valley as we can see these clouds hovering over
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marin county. and where it usually starts to have downtown flooding the stores put it sandbags out in front is the least they can do. all of these floods stations are ready to pump out if it too much rainfall is coming down. i spoke with marin county public works they have been getting ready all summer by clearing out the storm drains. that is just one thing but the rain is not the most concerning. >> the other would be the high wind. if the ground is so saturated already that it could blow trees over. airlines with it. it could take-power lines with it. >> drivers will notice these signs about roadside flooding. definitely something that people should watch today, tomorrow and this is the 101. cars slowly face near the exit.
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there is a big back up of traffic. they all have their headlights on with full force. it seems like we're courts to have to get used to. reporting live, adjusting, thank you. >> we hear that rainclouds are area any moment now. thanks justine... now we're heading to preparing to avoid a mudslide in the hills.. >> absolutely, you consider rainfall already but that is not good news. you can see the rainfall is unstable in the past. off in the distance, we can see the sand bags and plastic tarps. t me show you video what i am speaking about and you can see the holes of what it looked like earlier. this tarp that they put out there. this had the whole land slide about two years
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ago. in impact in seven different homes. two of them had the attack. it is unstable and it has been for some time. this park has been out there for some time that it will not saturate. this park. however, the only one half is covered with the-park. the residents are trying to stay optimistic. >> have not gotten quite nervous yet but nothing has quite. it is nothing quite happened but i am pretty short that it will be in the next couple of days. their rest and i am blessed that i'm able to stay in my home is my neighbors have not been able to stay in theirs. >> in the san paolo it only started up of the last couple of hours. you can see this plastic pipe. it goes
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along with that piep and tarp. so it does not a saturate that help. it is just getting ready to get saturated in the san paulo. reporting live, j. r. stone. >> live coverage with scott francisco. you are at the golden wind advisory has been issued? >> that high wind advisory is yes, it is still in effect the winds have been strong. it could die down a little bit and get strong again it is the same with the rainfall. let me show you the golden gate it is pretty heavy. the cars are moving slowly and that is exactly what the c h p is hoping for. they want the drivers to really take their time. let me show you video the c h p has issued a wind
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advisory for drivers along the golden gate bridge. i can tell you that i as i was driving this for several times i could feel the gusting winds and the repressing my van in either direction. and if they continue to monitor these they want to make sure that everybody is being say. safe. again, the c h p is going to be monitoring this all night long. reporting live in marin county, kron 4 news >> city crews in san francisco have been busy dealing with damage caused by the storm so far. here you can see what's left of a 25 foot acacia tree being hoisted out of a backyard in bernal heights. it toppled over at around 4 a.m. this morning, knocking down a fence and falling on to a home on the 300 block of virginia avenue. the house itself only suffered minor damage and no one was injured. the department of public works says a few trees have fallen so far and about a dozen tree limbs have come down.
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and they are bracing for more trouble ahead. >> we are expecting more branches and trees to come down. there are crews out looking out for vulnerability to take care of the tree before damage occurs. also cleaning out a lot of this crawlspaces, and ground space. >> d-p-w encourages residents to call 3-1-1 if they have any concerns about the stability of trees on city streets. our team storm coverage continues now with the silver-lining in all those rain clouds. from the south bay, kron four's rob fladeboe explains why this kind of wet weather pattern is good news for our water supply. >> i'm literally walking on the bottom of uvas reservoir in the foothills of the santa cruz mountains near morgan hill. it's all but dry, just 13-percent full, but that number is expected to increase in the
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days ahead. while some south bay reservoirs benefit from water sierra snowpack water imported through sacramento river and delta, uvas and several others here in the foothills are entirely dependent on runoff from the rain. wednesday's first significant storm of the season dropped about an inch of rain here, maybe twice that at higher elevations. not enough to make a noticeable difference in the level but what it did do is saturate the ground. standing water is a sure sign that when the next, larger storm moves in. conditions will be perfect for some of that rain to run off into the reservoirs, which together are just below their 20 year average. >> marty grimes/santa clara valley water dist: runoff from the rain, trapped and stored in this and nine other area reservoirs provides about half the south bay's water needs and the current
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weather pattern of rain, a day or two to dry out and then more rain, is a perfect scenario for catching as much water as possible for the many no so rainy days ahead. in the santa cruz mountains rob fladeboe kron 4 news >> a woman startled awake has to fight off an intruder in her home! now the manhunt is on for that suspect. then... oakland officials share their immediate plans to put a stop the city's crime rate that continues to skyrocket. >> the u.s. supreme court could be just hours a way of making what the decision will be for proposition 8 of the voter ban on same-sex marriage.
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new at 6... >> a palo alto neighborhood is on edge tonight. police there are investigating a home invasion and sexual assault.... which they say happened early this morning near hawthorne avenue and high street in palo alto. it led to a manhunt in the area. police dogs trying to track the suspect...but so far no luck. police say a man wearing a mask broke into a home. the woman living there was woken up by the intruder in her bedroom. the suspect ran out of the home when the woman
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screamed. that suspect is only described as a male with an average build wearing a dark hooded jacket or sweatshirt and dark pants. this follows three incidences in the last couple of momen mondes in the se palo alto area. >> couple of months-test the last couple of months. this trend continues. the banff a new crime suppression proposal is in the works at oakland city hall the plan would pay academy in 2013 hire 21 civilian o-p-d employees.. alameda county sheriff's department in the meantime... oakland police chief howard jordan talks about what is being done now.. to try and stop the mounting violent crime in the city... >> we have reassigned officers from different parts to improve our staffing in the field. our kidding investigation we just added two more officers and more specific the word-game investigation
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to go after known of violent offenders and to remove them from the streets. that, past with the violence impressive efforts and the task force and getting task force with each team is getting overtime to address the problem. >> the oakland city council has the final word on whether or not to fund the new crime fighting plan... the council will take its first look at the plan in january... that's after the new city council members are sworn in.. police were on the search for a shooting victim after shell casings were found at a bart station bathroom in berkeley. the incident happened at the ed roberts campus this afternoon. this is video sky7hd from abc7news. police are not certain that a person was hit by a bullet but were checking area hospitals for a possible victim. >> we have seen it showers
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in the north bay and also gusting winds. with 24 mph in oakland and 20 m.p.h. in redwood city. we have seen more specific sites with specifically in the 20 m.p.h.-30 m.p.h. with rain. the pavement at the golden gate bridge is wet with showers around the bay. her round the golden gate it is just moving away. just light rainfall. the wider picture showing sinophile, santa rosa and heavy near santa besan rafael anc vacaville. moderate rainfall for most of the north bay. and the chance of that moderate rainfall continued with light showers continue in near the golden gate. the rain is still largely concentrated to the north and the tail end of this system. if this cold front
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will be pressing through the morning commute. and it is moving to most of the north bay approaching san francisco. to hayward, fremont, redwood city is still moderate. that cool front with residual showers and by 1:00 p.m. and even towards the later afternoon hours as we get a chance to see spotty rainfall. conditions could improve with definitely better than tomorrow morning. there is a flood watch with a series of systems will begin. that will print one-3 in. of rain fall and more in the hills and even more for the weekend. the flood watch is in effect for the north bay and the san mateo coast. notice this san francisco is included. let us take a look at the rainfall totals for rest of the bay area. with most of the valley locations seeing portions of the south bay of the inland valleys. for the mountains, 3-6 in.
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and a higher totals are going to favor the north bay. it will stay up there, locker. as for the flash flood watch. walker -- with the wind advisory. up to 60 m.p.h.. we could see it stronger near the coast and higher elevations. as for the sierras, just at the highest elevations above 7,000 ft.. 7,500 ft. on saturday and the rain/snowfall mixture on saturday. there is new snow to talk about with fresh power. heavenly, one half new inches of the 1/2-feet of fresh powder. taking a look at your extended forecast with lingering rainfall but a little bit of a break on friday. more rain fall on a saturday, with a steady. heavy rainfall expected again on the sunday morning but the good news is that we could see a break. monday, tuesday
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could see decent conditions. >> the future of same-sex marriage could be decided as early as tomorrow. he i-the voter ban on same-sex marriage with the lower courts have already said that it is unconstitutional. dan kerman looks of the options before the high court and what it means for california. >> if the u.s. supreme court refuses to review the case you can expect a lot more ceremonies like this. >> if they deny review that will be the end for the california issue. same-sex marriage will be lawful. >> it will begin once the issue a mandate and that means that the ruling will be oaffirmed and final the ninth circuit is expected to issue that man tate quickly
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possibly with one week. the uc hastings, issue that- mandate mandate but they're hoping that they will continue to review. >> it would be great if they deny and same-sex would go forward and two weeks. but the national question is that it should the constitution permits the same-sex marriage? >> there is a lot of this uniformity are run the country. the supreme court's job is to solve that. review proposition 8. use it as a vehicle to settle the law, nationally. >> if that does happen, breves will filed and early next year the decision could be june next year. >> in addition to whether or not to review proposition 8 the u.s. supreme court also decide weather or not to review the defense of marriage act. it could be one, nine, all.
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>> president george h-w bush is hospitalized. has family members cocnerned... that's next.
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>> former president george h-w bush... remains in a houston hospital after being treated for bronchitis. his spokesman says, the 88- year old has been hospitalized at houston's methodist hospital for six days and has a "lingering cough." the former presidents' family hopes he will be discharged by the weekend. mr. bush has a form of affects his legs, and wheelchair. the world war ii veteran is the oldest living former president. >> joe biden if shopping at costco, purchasing apple pie, firelocks, and speaking about the fiscal cliff he is
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optimistic that a deal could be reached. we will be back. ♪ secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it.
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(male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. >> mill valley crews are worried about wind and rain and flooding but there are
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concerned about in this coyote creek. too much rain could cause this flooding. it could get into neighborhoods i went over to marin county to see her they are making preparations. they have cleared of the storm drains and also worried about the wind that could knock down power lines. they are ready for him and the situation. >> continuing our weather coverage. in san pablo, it is not good news for this in the distance, you can see this tarp in the past, this has slid but no trouble to report. reporting in the san pablo, j. r. stone, kron 4 news. >> and san francisco behind me you can see this city crew trying to temporarily
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repair this fence that was impacted by an acacia tree. luckily, nobody was hurt if the homeowner said that she called the city about the tree. on more than one occasion the homeowner did everything right and they are changing their protocol on how they will respond. maureen kelly, kron 4 news. >> and hercules is starting to come down and residents are extremely concerned. that is the fact that there is a hillside in this east bay. it is crashing down into four homes. there are three that have been rent attacked. the homeowners association and it has been- red attacke attackeat they haved tag on these homes that the
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homeowners association have paid out to the homeowners. >> take a look get the uvas water reservoir her. with the reservoir-the benefit imported from melting sierra snow packs. some of the rest of wires and the santa cruz mountains of the reservoirs are it is entirely dependent of the rainfall. the first significant weather system dropped 1 in. in the foothills, 2-3 times at the higher elevations. but not enough for a noticeable difference. what if it did it too was a century the ground you can see there is a standing water. what it did do is set to reach the ground and the next half larger system, it will be just right for that rainfall to call into the reservoir. that is a combined 35% of capacity just below a 20
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year average still in fairly good shape. the rain provides about one half of the south bay's water needs in the current weather pattern of rain, try, rain, is a perfect scenario for storage for the many not so rainy days ahead. and the santa cruz mountains, rob fladeboe, kron 4. >> oakland city hall officials are formulating a crime plan to provide backup from the oakland police department. four other east bay. >> these are about real resources into are policed apartment to fight crime. help from the lme the sheriff's department and the other police-department head start with the alameda to support our oakland officers in the field. haazig madyun >> and a tech news t mobile wahl what is the future. to
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leave your wallet at home and to pay with your smart phone. this mobile application is a free download after installation, enter your credit/debit one time. the next time you are in starbucks, and hit " pay " and stand your phone. you can scanned the code by the register is quick, simple. gabe slate tech report (male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found people behaving badly. valencia street in san francisco is supposed to be a bicyclist paradise. the bicyclists also had ample places to store their by and sign which ought not to park and the bike lane. if that
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sounds like a hiker's paradise but there is a slight problem it has to do with these bicycles lanes. tonight at 8:00 p.m. why these bicycle lanes are the subject of the next edition of people behaving badly. >> our but weather stories system is the heavy rainfall for the overnight. not that bad right now in spotty showers but heavy rainfall expected to roll in for the rest of the evening. by 11:00 p.m., most of the concentrated to the north. tomorrow, we could see a cool front with the orange. it has been and it did together with a cool front. by 8:00, going towards san francisco, hayward, fremont, redwood city by 10:00 by 1:00, still moderate rainfall and the remnants of a cool with residual piece got behind it and some post final showers for the 5:00
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p.m. hour. some improvements for the evening. here is what we can expect with rainfall totals with one-3 in. in the valley. because this system is going to be stalling of the bay iraq more in the mountains, the hellas and higher mountains are for the bay-area -- and the hills. flash floods for the entire bay area and this and potato coast line. with this series of storms will continue for the san mateo coastline. even 60 m.p.h. gusting speeds and lighter rain on saturday, but heavy on sunday. the entire weekend, to expect rainfall. >> from our with the public is finally getting a first look at a surveillance video.
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of a killing spree that left 69 people dead.. after leaving this government building - brevik headed to an island where he opened fire on a youth camp. he's been convicted and sentenced to 21 years in prison. he united nations has granted palestine the status of a non-member observer state. palestinians were celebrating today as u-n members got ready to vote.. 138 nations approved the move - which basically statehood. israel and the u- s had been fighting the decision - and are now trying to play it down. it won't immediately change the lives of palestinians....since the area in question is firmly under israeli control. still - palestinians welcome the global recognition. u.s. officials say they're preparing to recognize syria's opposition council as the legitimate representative of the syrian people. that's expected to happen in a few weeks...and would mean more support for the rebel group trying to oust syrian president
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bashar assad. the u-s is expected to offer more humanitarian aid -- but no arms support. several u-s allies have already recognized the council. stay with us, more news after the break. have a good night. here you go. you, too.
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>> california is taking a gamble on power ball. they are trying to bring the popular came to california excitement had a fever pitch and other states. when the jackpot was barely $600 million. the commission. was pumping additional revenue into the economy. california is taking a
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gamble on power of all they're trying to bring the popular lottery to california. when the jackpot recently it nearly reached $600 million. tickets will start being sold in the month of april. and a former raiders' first-round pick is staying away from practice. following orders, we will be back.
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>> good evening, everybody it was time for alex smith. his feelings are officially being a backup. >> it so,,sucks i knew it was a possibility we have such a great team. you state your case i feel like i have done that. and i feel like the only thing i've done to lose my job is get a concussion. >> it is now a regular segment. and to listen to these numbers. prior to being pulled out for kaepernick and eight quarters completed 32 of 35 passes, could for 385 yds, five touchdowns and one
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interception. you can roll that he was the third highest rated quarterback in the leak. he was even ahead of tom brady. these are incredible numbers, 32-31 and what this says is that kaepernick is better. >> those are great numbers. >> you cannot put a guy on the bench. he did not have a bad gfor a bad game. there is the things wrong with saying that the other guy is better in jim harbaugh has been through this. he played in the league for 17 years in chicago for a long time and harbaugh is going to sit and put this guy and, back- and-forth he has been i through this before. >>pam: he knows how difficult this can be. >> believe me, if alex smith was a jerk perhaps it is personal but he just thinks that this guy is better. let
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me give you one more example. i have a theory. font jobs fun jobs-they all come with a price. and to his he is paying his price now. and people would like to have his job. are you kidding? >> and karbala is a get alex, you can go someone else and we will do something and we can do fine without you in kaepernick. as i have been saying that kaepernick is going director lose a couple of games and play poorly before alex katz another shot. and talk about before-alex smith gets another shot. i've worked here for over 20 years and i do not have one thing on my desk. >> you told me. >> if somebody wakes up one morning and says that this guy is not worth that i do not have to come in and clean out my desk. 28 years,
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nothing. and my dad said that if you if the skies. >> and after you told me that i do not keep anything i really care about. and with broadcasting, the movies, thing, the actors. just a couple of years ago i was cute and now been affleck, is combing it down he is not cute. he is not as cute. and i'm just saying that about my wife, she would probably leave me for ben f. lek but the point i am saying is that you know when a reward as high. they could possibly find somebody better so one more time before start crying. i would say that he has at least $20 million. maybe it that is a low amount. you can go ahead
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with your dinner plans alex s will still eat. >> the best talking about of 49ers is alden smith. the defense of a quarter of the month for the month of november with nine sacks in his last three games. he has a shot at becoming the fastest player. he is the fastest player to get to 30 sex30.530-sacks and he could very well could set a single record. by michael and next to kelly stray hand. and i am telling you that all of the things that we're talking about what alden smith. there was trouble when he went home and that is why this guy is so good that you will look the other way. alden smith is a monster. the raiders, these are tough times. they could
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not even give away enough tough tickets to host the cleveland browns. and the linebacker, he was all over the news that he was going to be released by the raiders but now the story is that he was and is the face of dennis allen, the coach. he even posted on is facebook that he was cut by the team. nothing officially has been determined. at least according to the raiders. he is still on the roster but he could be suspended for getting in the face of dennis allen. again he has been a major disappointment. alden smith gets a little bit mad we look at the other way. and we have a opposing team. atlanta are international airport last night to the employees did not have anything to do so they tossed eggs at the orleans saints for boss. they are
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playing tonight and a general manager of the had to speak. pour the record about his employees to tossing eggs at the and orleans saints boss >> this is completely unacceptable. throwing 8 at the bus this should not be done. throwing eggs at the bus. would not expect them to say let us say that it is the opposing team. do not damage any of the luggage but hit them again. anyway, that was the great louis miller. the warriors' home on a national television against denver. >> a great opportunity for us to show the audience that
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we are for real. and i think it is a great opportunity for my guys to get credit around the league that to a great job. some nights, which a great match, and find ways to become relevant. >> there is, last night, chris i'm still married to the court ackdarsahsian.. and humphrey, no problem we will be back onto the floor with the celtics. with 12 points. and adding another notch to chris wandalosdky major league player of the year. 27 goals, that was set in 1996. brian wilson tomorrow will officially become a free agent from the san francisco giants. and he is throwing things out there how what do you like that i would perhaps even play for
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the dodgers. and we hate the dodgers, we hate the dodgers and the biggest paycheck. perhaps not quite as much and tiger woods, when the come back. uz
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>> golf season never ends as long as there is a sponsor. tiger and where it's is planning in the world challenge sure would shooting 70, calling for first place. nicole see you at 0 p.m..
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lindsay lohan's new york arrest today. >> inside her alleged nightclub fight and what her dad, michael, is telling only us today. about concerns for his daughter's sobriety. i'm brooke anderson. >> and i'm kevin frazier. "the insider" is on. >> lindsay, what happened? >> did you hit her with a left or a right? >> released from jail. covered up in a jacket. did she punch this girl in the face?


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